The rise of immersive art and why is it becoming popular?


The rise of immersive art and why is it becoming popular?

Mon, 16 Sep 2024

Immersive art provides the opportunity for the public to experience art as more than simply looking. It’s an experience that is interactive and can bring a whole new dimension to the way a piece or installation is appreciated. Although immersive art isn’t a new innovation – there are examples of immersive art projects that go back to the 60s – it is starting to get increasingly popular, especially as we emerge from post-COVID isolation and lockdowns. So, why is now the time to give immersive art a try?

Reasons why immersive art is on the rise

  • Perceptions of what can be done with art have broadened considerably. This is something that has happened during the pandemic, which required both artists and galleries to be more creative in terms of the art being made and how it was exhibited. Digital art has become more common and this has broadened the scope of what museums, galleries and art spaces now see can be done with technology.
  • There is a pressing need for museums and art galleries to get members of the public back through their doors. Many art spaces have lost money during the pandemic and the closures have been tough on everyone. Now that the world is opening up again, all are looking for new ways to attract more interest and immersive art provides a great opportunity to bring people through the door.
  • The desire for connection. This reason could also be linked to the pandemic – an increased desire for experiences and connection with feelings and with others after many months of being locked down or in isolation. Immersive art is designed to allow people to connect and to stimulate thoughts and feelings – it’s exactly what many people are seeking after the experience of the past year. While the health and safety elements of immersive art are still being worked out in COVID terms, there is plenty that can be done to keep people safe and still allow everyone to safely enjoy an exhibition.

Examples of immersive art

  • Yayoi Kusama. The artist’s Infinity Mirror exhibitions have been incredibly popular ever since they first broke onto the art scene in the 1960s. These are probably some of the earliest, and most high profile, examples of immersive art projects.
  • The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit, Chicago. This immersive exhibition is designed around one of art’s most famous figures but it’s by no means the only example of art of this type that has featured the renowned painter.
  • Dali, The Endless Enigma L’atelier Des Lumières. Dali seems like the ideal subject for this exhibition at the first ever digital art museum in Paris. Expect a surrealist landscape in which Dali’s works really do come alive all around.
  • The Goodnight House, NYC. This exhibit is built around 14 works by contemporary artists reimagining the setting of the children’s book Goodnight Moon.

Immersive art brings the vision of the artist to life and sparks the imagination, making viewing pieces even more of an experience.

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