How set design is influencing interior design trends


How set design is influencing interior design trends

Thu, 16 Jan 2025

Interior design and set design are kind of symbiotic – those sets that are created by someone with an architectural or interior design background are often the ones that stand out the most. Film aesthetics have been responsible for the growth of a whole myriad of trends over the years and it’s not always the outfits or the styling that provide a foundation for this, frequently it’s the set design. Everything from colour palettes through to furniture choices, the window drapes to the smallest accessories can create film set decor that goes on to influence trends in the ‘outside world.’ 

Blending the boundaries of the filmatic universe

There are plenty of examples of where the set design on an often-iconic film has gone on to define interior design trends that have had a big impact. Some of the most obvious are Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Star Wars and the James Bond films. It’s often the most stylised set design that is responsible for this kind of creative response – think Tim Burton films, where the backdrop to the acting is detailed and vivid. As recognition of the impact that set design can have on interior trends has grown there has been a lot more crossover. We have seen a whole range of collaborations between talent on both sides, including fashion designers, artists and interior designers. This has presented opportunities for talented people to expand their abilities and reach. For example, Helen Strevens who designed sets for iconic films such as Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit produced a collaboration with a wall coverings brand which saw her creating unique, hand drawn wallpaper.

The Wes Anderson effect

Sometimes, directors have such a strong aesthetic that it runs from film to film and becomes a recognisable part of their process. Wes Anderson films have had a very big influence on interior design trends thanks to their very specific and engaging aesthetic, which is easily recognisable whether you’re watching The Grand Budapest Hotel or The Royal Tenenbaums. These are just some of the interior design trends that Wes Anderson films have influenced:

  • A bright and bold colour palette. This ranges from strong primary colours to sepia tones and those candy colours that make everything in the frame look like part of a cake. The films frequently reference vintage photochromic- colourised images from black and white negatives. The colour not only provides a strong visual language but is also used to make viewers feel things in the same way as interior design trends can.

  • Art Deco and unusual and whimsical pieces. This combination is one that you can see in many different locations now, from bars to private members clubs and homes. The detail and style is an engaging mix that has a quirky finish that is easy to personalise.

  • Colour, texture and pattern. Wes Anderson films have a boldness when it comes to mixing these elements and this has translated through into many an interior design approach. Pairing velvet furniture with intensely patterned furnishings in bright shades, for example, is a trend that continues to charm.

Interior design trends can be formed in many ways – and the visuals that we see on the big, and small, screen have a huge influence. To find out more about Scott Fleary set design agency get in contact today.


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